Born in 1993, Guatemala. Sophia is a Feminist, Multidisciplinary Artist and Futurist —Futures Research, Foresight, Systemic Thinking Enthusiast & Strategic Design Specialist—
With 8+ years of experience developing social innovation projects and leading participatory research and art processes focused on gender equality and the defense of human rights around Latin America. Sophia has an urban anthropologist soul, combined with a curious personality that drives her to explore and discover. To take an interest in ongoing futures, art, and cultural experiences for her own sake, combined with sharp critical thinking.
She loves to create change, exchange & transformation. For Sophia, art is a way of visualizing a situation from different perspectives, and diverse points of view. Using creative and critical approaches she has collaborated as an independent consultant with NGOs such as USAID (2022), UN Women (2021), The Global Fund (2020), and The UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR), among others, to visualize preferred and alternative futures through strategic foresight and participatory art and design processes.
Sophia's art practice focuses on intervening spaces collectively to resignify how they are perceived and experienced. Through anthropology of art [a unique combination of anthropological theory and visual practice that provides her a strong foundation for producing artwork informed by anthropology]. With a particular interest in vulnerable communities of women and trans women, she creates authentic experiences of collective expression and citizenship formation, amplifying the voice of women and strengthening their autonomy.
Sophia is also the Executive Director and Founder of MCNC (My Street, Our Street), a feminist art-based research lab for participatory futures studies working out of Mexico City and Guatemala.
She's working as a digital nomad between México and Guatemala, designing a pedagogical model and conducting a community futures laboratory at La Nueva Fábrica.
MA-PhD Candidate Intercultural Practices, 2023 - 2024 (University of the Arts London, London UK). Futures Design Fellow, 2022 (Institute For The Futures, Palo Alto). Postgraduate in Futures Design 2020 (CENTRO, Mexico City). Social Entrepreneurship Specialist 2019 (IBERO, México City). Bachelor's degree in Graphic Design 2016 (Rafael Landívar University, Guatemala). Minor in Visual Arts and Creative Writing, 2013 (Veritas University, Costa Rica).
Futures Research
Futures Design Workshops and Conferences
Co-design and Empathy Workshops
Social Innovation Design and Strategies
Visual Identity and Branding Design
Human-Centered Design Research
Visual arts and illustration
Art interventions in public spaces
Visual Anthropology Processes
Community Murals
Projects she founded:
Mi Calle, Nuestra Calle (My Street, Our Street) in México City (2020) and Happy People in Guatemala (2016).

IG @sopharrazola_

Please do not use any content or images from this website without a specific request and permission from the author.
**Some photos and videos of my artistic events are a product of the collaboration with photographs and graphic animators that I deeply admire.**